Why should you invest in long-term rentals?

8 de April, 2020

As an alternative to Local Housing, long-term renting is a safe, cost-effective option that preserves your property for much longer. Here are some of the advantages.

Property conservation and maintenance

Local Housing assumes a constant turnover of guests, which inevitably entails many expenses for maintenance and conservation of the property. Long-term rentals, on the other hand, have only one family for a certain number of months / years, extending the property state of conservation for a longer time. It is also important to bear in mind that the care to be taken with a “vacation” house is considerably less than the care to be taken with a “to live in” house.

Areas of the city restricted to Local Housing

With the exponential growth of tourism in Portugal, Local Housing has also grown. To try to contain some historic areas and protect its inhabitants, the government has implemented some restrictions for this type of services, preventing short-term rental from proliferating without control. Long-term leases, on the other hand, have no restrictions whatsoever and even have some tax benefits for landlords, depending on the number of years of each contract.

The customer’s yeld is assured

Situations like the one we are currently experiencing, which structurally shook the entire globe, put the income of many investors dedicated to Local Housing at risk. In this sense, the customer’s performance is volatile and will not always be assured. When choosing long-term rentals, monthly income is always guaranteed and has a much smaller fluctuation than with short term rentals.

The best rental opportunities


Portuguese capital and one of the cities with the best peaced index and quality of life in the world, Lisbon offers a cosmopolitan and modern center, enriched by historic buildings and suited to different lifestyles.

See a selection of properties for rent HERE.

Cascais and Oeiras

Along the river and the sea, in Oeiras and Cascais you can enjoy a lifestyle where you can enjoy the sun, long walks or family outings through the countless parks and gardens.

See a selection of properties for rent HERE.

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