In recent years, Oeiras was already one of the Lisbon Municipalities with the lowest IMI (Municipal Property Tax) rate.

After having consecutively lowered the IMI tax rate in recent years, the municipality of Oeiras now applies the minimum applicable of 0.30%.
This is a measure that is valid since the beginning of 2021. The decision to waive the application of the maximum IMI rate, which is set at 0.45%, leads the council to give up a total of 10 million euros of public revenue.
A fixed IMI deduction was also applied according to the number of dependents making up the owner’s household on December 31 of the respective year.
The decision will benefit families and favor investment.
The municipal executive also approved a 20% reduction in the IMI rate applicable to urban buildings rented for housing and a 30% increase in the same tax applicable to rundown urban buildings. As for buildings classified as of public interest, of municipal or cultural value, a 50% reduction in the rate in effect each year has been fixed.
As for the IMI rate for rural properties, it remained at 0.8%.
Discover our properties in Oeiras here.