Worldwide, among 59 destinations, the Expat Insider 2021 report placed Portugal in 5th position.

Portugal is the best country in Europe for foreigners to live and work and the 5th best in the world, according to the Expat Insider 2021 report, by Internations, one of the most comprehensive in the world on living and working abroad. Note that the country is the only European country in the top 10 list.
The survey on the best and worst countries for expatriates, which included more than 12,000 interviewees, analysed 59 worldwide destinations in terms of quality of life – a criterion in which Portugal was best classified – cost of living, personal finances, working abroad and ease of settling in the country. This year the study also included a reflection on how respondents face the pandemic and how it has affected, or is affecting, their lives.
The study also revealed that 84% of the expatriates surveyed are happy with their life in Portuguese territory, 90% are satisfied with the climate, 78% positively evaluate medical assistance, 96% consider the country peaceful and 97% feel safe.
Compared to last year, Portugal moved up 11 places in the report.
The global podium was attributed, in this order, to Taiwan, Mexico and Costa Rica, while the last places are occupied by Kuwait, Italy and South Africa.
See the complete list here.